Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hi everyone. It is very unlike us to go this length of time without an update and for that we apologize. The last few updates have been more devotional and I hope you enjoyed them. This one will be more of a how the family is doing update. Here goes...

I have been very busy at work. God has seen fit to bless us / me with overtime for a season and I'm doing my best to take full advantage of it. I eats up a great deal of my day and has made it so I'm unable to take bible college classes right now but we / I believe it is in His perfect plan and it is really going to benefit us financially. I've been attending a men's bible study on Monday nights which I'm really enjoying so that is where I get my extra dose of teaching and fellowship with the body while not in classes. And that's it about me...amazing right!?

Reese continues to be our comic relief. His vocabulary is expanding beyond grunts so that is good. He's getting so big. I think...if he really wanted...he'd give Grant a run for his money...well...maybe not but he's our bruiser for sure.

Grant just had his 5 year old party. He doesn't actually turn 5 for a few more days but you know how that goes. He had an awesome time. Now that he's five he gets to sit with us during Sunday night services. Tonight was the first. He did really well. He's doing great with the homeschooling as he basically can read now. It's amazing how these little ones can learn so fast.

Enough about the say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well this one is only worth one. Take a guess.

Yup...that is exactly what it looks like. #3 is on its way. We are excited, nervous, happy, scared, calm, anncy, and everything else mushed into one. I'm sure the updates will be coming fast and furious now but we just wanted to get the word out there so the pray warriors could strap in for 9 months or 18 years...which ever...LOL! Talk to you soon.
-The Turner Family.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Giving Up Isaac - part 2

Hello friends. It has been some time since our last update and for that we apologize. Especially since the tone of the last BLOG was a hint distressed due to the trial of faith we were in the midst of. I want to begin by offering a heart felt thank you to those that bridged the gap between earth and heaven on our behalf. Your prayers, edification, concern and more shook heavens gates. I want to especially thank a specific group of individuals that received an e-mail from me, Andrew, concerning our happenings. The out pouring of Christ to us was overwhelming. To see the body of Christ in action like that was beautiful and really ministered to me and my family. So…Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!

When we last left you it looked as though we were on our way out of the house and looking for a new place to live. We were ready to go. We had put our house on the market (craigslist) and ultimately had found a new place to live. The problem was that we had absolutely no takers on our house. This was a bit disheartening. We really have as nice home, asked a reasonable fee for renting the property and figured it would go quickly but it never happened. “What was / is God doing”, I’d ask myself. Well, now I know!

In the last BLOG it was mentioned that there could possibly be some overtime at work. Well, it is here and I am working it as much as possible. Thank you Lord. But, more importantly than that…we will be staying in our home!!! A wonderful provision has come along and we’ll be renting our basement to a Bible College student here in MD. The income from this O.T. and from the paid rent will more than suffice for our finances and maybe even a little more. To think of God’s hand at work in this entire situation sincerely keeps me humbled before Him. He had the perfect ram (a type of Christ) just waiting in the thicket the entire time. I really believe that. Just like Abraham he was testing our faith. Seeing if we’d truly let go and let God, if you will. I have a habit of quoting the following: There’s no testimony with out the word test right there in the beginning. As difficult as they are, and this one was that, the testimony that is birthed is so beautiful. To God be the glory, GREAT things HE has done, will do and is doing!

Now, to update on the family a little bit. Busy, busy, busy! The latest semester of classes is rapidly coming to a close. Another great time of getting to know God in a new a deeper way. This also means the conclusion of the first ever semester in classes for Misty. She did really great! Please pray that we’d finish strong and do well on our finals. On top of that the latest high school basketball season has begun and I am privileged to be an assistant coach again this year. We have a good group of guys. They are working hard and trust it will pay off as the season begins. Misty has been designated coordinator of the church Thanksgiving potluck. I suppose I should mention it’s for 1,500 people give or take. She is really starting to be used here in the body and is such a gift to the local assembly. Reese turns 2 is a few more days and is right on par for all that turning 2 implies. He’s lucky he’s so stinking cute. Grant is reading small stories as home schooling progresses. He is getting so big. They both are. I’m out of the house a lot for work, basketball, classes etc. Sometimes I look at them and it strikes me how they are changing and growing up right before my eyes. They are awesome little guys. Well, that’s enough for now. Please pray that this new tenant situation works out for us. We continue to walk by faith and grow in the grace and knowledge of Him. We could not do it with out your prayers and support. Until next time…God Bless!

And...Here's a few photo's of our dynamic duo!! And FYI...Reese turned 2 today!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Giving Up Isaac

As far as thoughts, comments or phrases go in Christian circles this one, “Giving Up Isaac”, holds a great deal of weight. Specifically because it immediately brings to mind the “letting go” of something that is so near and dear to ones heart. I can’t even begin to imagine what Abraham was going through as God requested of him his son to be sacrificed. How about walking up that hill side with no lamb to be slain? How do you answer your boy when he realizes that there is no lamb and he says, to paraphrase, hey dad…we have the wood, the fire and the knife but no lamb. What’s going on dad? (Gen. 22:7)

We have been taught and I believe that all scripture is inspired by God and was written for our / my sake. I admit, I am not always initially sure what every single one has to do with me much like the passage in Genesis that speaks of Abraham and his son. By faith I read, believe and receive His word for my life now or later. So, would I, in my lifetime, really be asked to give up something I count as God given gain? Just think, Isaac was the promised son God gave to Abraham and Sarah and God was requesting him back.

As God has ordained in His perfect plan the question has come to me / us and this passage has now become crystal clear. Some of you, recently, have been made aware of the financial situation that we find ourselves in. Let me preface this a little. I'll begin by saying that it was not the incorrect decision to move here (MD for Bible College). In the past year I can say that I've grown closer to God more than ever. I / We have been richly blessed as a family and we are wonderfully built up in the Body of Christ. That said, the expense of living here has caught up to and passed us in a very real and serious way. With much prayer and consideration it has come to this. We are “Giving up Isaac” and that being in the form of our home. NO WAY!!?? Yes, it has come to this. We are to the point that we find it in our best interest to move…again. God gloriously gave us this house (Isaac) for our move from PA for me to go to Bible College. What a wonderful provision at the time. But as time has passed it is time to let it go. We firmly believe this too is of God because getting into something with a more manageable payment will allot the following:
1. Saving – I can’t remember the last time we were able to save something and this will enable us to do so. For emergencies, rainy day anything. Not necessarily storing up treasure on earth but able to maybe rub two pennies together.
2. Going – We’ll finally be able to make some trips that have been on our hearts. The European Conference, Puerto Rico and more.
3. Paying – Well be able to pay down the smallish debt we have accrued. It is our desire to be credit card debt free and maybe even no car payments if at all possible and live without this burden that so many live under and are weighed down by.

The decision has been made. Isaac (our house) is on the altar (up for rent), however this is not the end of the story!! God provides!! The ram is in the thickets and Isaac is not sacrificed. For us, God has provided a very unexpected opportunity for me at work which opens doors for about 10 hours of overtime a week temporarily. This is huge to us! However, as I stated the decision has been made and we will still move. To us this is just an added bonus from God! We ask ourselves… is God honoring our decision?!! We choose to believe so, because this solution to our situation brings us complete peace. God is the one that gives peace when we are letting go of “ourselves”. That is amazing! Less of me, more of Him (Jn. 3:30)!! Thank God for these places in our life where this can transpire. Places that are valleys, but we go through them walking closely with our Lord and before we know it we are on the mountaintop praising God and wondering how we got there… oh, it was HIM!!!

We want to deeply thank everyone that has gone to throne for us in prayer! Wow, what a response of friendship, of love, of compassion, OF BODY LIFE!! We are eternally grateful and to be honest we didn’t think we would be saying this is an answered prayer already, but I think it is. However, we do ask for continued prayer as we go into the process of renting our house and looking for something that would be a blessing to our family in an apartment. By the way, just as another “praise report”… we finally got word on our car (see prior Blog) and it is going to be fixed. We will have it back next week. This was a looming concern to us since is it was on the borderline of being totaled. Once again, praise God!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Well, hello again. It has come time again for the "Turner Family Blog" update. Of course the past weeks have been busy and there is much to tell so we'll get right to it.

I'd like to begin with a bitter sweet Labor Day. We had the distinct privilege of dropping off our dear friends, the Matthew family (<--see their Blog), at BWI for their great adventure to the island of Puerto Rico as missionaries. A family of 7 taking a step of faith to begin a Finished Work ministry in the Caribbean. It is no easy task moving a family of 7 to "the islands" as you can see...

...but, in the end, there was room for 20+ luggage items, 2 car seats, toys, clothes, computers and more.

We took a video of them being sent out on stage but the file is too big so you'll have to settle for picutres:

Talk about an amazing way to be sent out!! What a beautiful prayer by Pst. Schaller and evening as a whole. An awesome time of praise and singing, special music by the spanish singers and a powerful message on "Practicing the Presence of God". What an amazing family / team!We love them, miss them, we'll pray for them daily and Lord willing we'll see them soon.

So next on the recent activities list is school. Not only for me now but for Misty and Grant as well. By God's grace Misty is able to take a class this semester. She is taking Cults and Comparative Religons. She is so excited. She had her first class and could only say that it exceeded any expectations she could have had!! So... not only is she a student but she is a teacher as well. She started home schooling Grant and I can't believe how well it's going. Grant is doing great and has already memorized Genesis 1:1. He will be memorizing a different verse each week w/ his Bible class. He does really well with his math (already getting better than his dad... guess that is not saying much) and has begun phonics. He knows the sounds of m, s and short a. For his other subjects, each week Misty reads a book to him all week long and each day they discuss a different subject using that book. For instance, this week they read "A Story about Ping", so on Tuesday they did Geography: China (as the story takes place on the Yangtze River in China); Wednesday was Social Studies: Discernment; Thursday was Art: Medium and Viewpoint and Friday was Science: Animal Kingdom, Buoyancy and Reflection of Light. Needless to say he is taking alot in and we are amazed by the things that he repeats that Misty really didn't think stuck in his brain. And Of course Reese is not about to be outdone by his big brother and joined in on the action as well.

I'll be taking two classes this semester. The Gospels is one and Discipleship will be the other. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me this semester. I believe it is going to be a great semester for our family.

Consider this topic for prayer, our car was in an accident and took on some significant damage. Please pray that the car is not totaled, that it can be successfully repaired and we'll have it returned to us soon. We think it's just cosmetic but hope the repair cost does not exceed the value of the car.

Well, as a departing thought, the ups and downs of life's details can, at times, seem overwhelming. This would be called "heat". The question is when the heat comes...what is the state of my heart?? Am I a tree planted beside living water? Do I have have deep roots that firmly plant me so as not to be swayed by circumstances? Will I operate in my new heart (Ez. 36:26) that tells me that no matter what I am not alone? I am a new creation and can depend on Him to see me through!! Or, will I shift back to the old heart that is like cactus in the desert? No roots, no fruit and is staring at the heat! Will I be swallowed up and consumed by doubt, guilt, shame, fear!? God forbid. My prayer is that God would grant me / us the grace and wisdom to not shift back to the old heart but look to Him in these trials that come our way. Realizing that in His eyes I have significance and I'm secure in His plan. How do I know this you wonder...because He loves me with an everlasting love and will never leave me nor forsake me. In that I can rest. In the midst of the storm I can be still and know that He is God. What an amazing thing to be able to depend on someone beside myself. I can cast all my cares upon Him because He cares for me. Wow...that is such a word of encouragement. Just to be able to pen this thought in confidence with truth is refreshing for sure.

So, thanks for sticking with us. Your prayers are such a blessing. It is such a privelage to be part of the Body of Christ. We love you all. Until next time...
-Andrew, Misty and the boys

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Consider this…
Food for Thought

There are times in any given day where I find that my mind can easily wander. More often than not it is due to a lack of cerebral stimulation because the tasks before me are often repetitious, technically unchallenging or simply not very interesting. I would feel confident in speculating that I am probably not alone in regards to these episodes of mental hiatus although my hope would be that the adverse is true for you. That said, my concern is not so much the lose of focus ( I’m getting old, it happens ) but rather where is it that my focus is then aimed. This is the premise on which I offer you these thoughts. I’m told that it is good to be transparent as it keeps us accountable. This posting is not necessarily done with that intent but I’ll be forthcoming none the less.

So as not to beat around the bush I will get right to the point. As I assess my thought life I wonder if it would be found pleasing unto God. Not because it is totally vile but because, frankly, is there any thought of Him? With all of the distractions out there do I purpose to think upon Christ? Honestly…I admit…not nearly as often as I would like as the distractions seem, at times, so plentiful.

We are a plugged in society. With TV, radio, internet, video games, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iMac, iBook, iLife etc. it is not hard to see that when our focus shifts it can easily land upon some modern day gadgetry that ultimately leads to a focus on…well…“I”. Please don’t get me wrong. I am by no means a technology basher. If anything I am “pro-techno”! I frequently use some of the mentioned products daily and if not those specifically something along the same lines. They have their worthy uses and their place in the modern era yet I reluctantly confess that all theses things clearly have had an impact on how we / I think. With the world at our disposal, is it so hard to believe that God can be occasionally put on a back burner? Regrettably, no…it’s not so hard to believe. Yet, there is hope…even for me!!

Seeking the Lord’s advice and on the heels of Convention 2007, aptly titled “Thinking With God”, I took a few moments to see what the scriptures have to say about the thought life. I have taken 4 scriptures and combined them to create the following phrase:

- Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. For the word of God [is] living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. -

The above phrase, in order, is the combination of Prov. 16:3, II Cor. 10:5, Heb. 4:12 and finally Phil. 4:8. It beautifully strikes me as a powerful exhortation and really compels me to purpose to think on Him. His character, nature, love, grace, sacrifice, life, death and the list could go on and on. I don’t even feel the need to further expound on the topic as the scripture has done it so wonderfully for me. So…

Dear Father, Cover my thought life and tune me in to You. Teach me to think in a way that would be pleasing unto You, that would glorify You in me and that would ultimately build up others. You are the author and the finisher and I trust You to instruct my thoughts. In the name of Jesus…Amen!

Brief Update…

Things are going well here for us. God continues to be so faithful and pour out little blessings upon us. I won’t bore you with all the details but trust me when I say He is really teaching us to live by faith and He is faithful to supply our needs and at times our wants. The family is well and has grown by 1. A new baby girl. Her name is Winnie.

She is 5lbs and 7 months old already. Yup…Misty…found us a dog! Did I have you goin for a second there!? Winnie, a Maltese, has added a whole new dimension to the house. She is quite the bundle of puppy energy and has made fast friends with the boys. Outside of that things are pretty status quo. The new Bible College semester is getting ready to start. I can’t wait. As always, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot…really!

Oh yea…I just read an amazing book! It’s called, see the link -->, “In the Presence of My Enemies”. It’s about Christian missionaries (Martin and Gracia Burnham) taken hostage by radical Muslims in the Philippines. It made world headlines in 2001. They were in captivity during the 9/11 attacks and listened to it on the radio. Did I mention it’s amazing!!?? 300+ pages and I read it in 3 days. I was on the edge of my seat and literally couldn't put it down. I laughed, almost cried, was convicted, changed my life. Really! Check it out if you can. That’s all for now.
-Andrew, Misty, Grant, Reese and Winnie!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


One year ago a family from York, Pennsylvania made a faith decision to move to Baltimore, MD. July 1st, 2007 marked one full year for them in Maryland. By all outward appearances this seemed a bit strange and teetered on fanaticism all things considered. They were leaving familiar surroundings, precious family, a great church, awesome friends and all that they knew to be comfortable for so long. So what in the world would prompt them to do something like this? The answer is almost unbelievable by the world’s standard but is altogether real. The answer is…nothing…nothing in this world would make someone do this but it is something out of this world. It was the call of God! It was the tugging of the Holy Spirit that practically shouted that it was time to go study and prepare for the race that lies ahead. Seems unreal, seems odd, and seems just a little crazy…well you might be right if it weren’t for God and His divine leading. They would not have made it were it not for God. So who would do such a thing? Uproot and replant in foreign (to them) soil…yes, you guessed it, it was us…Andrew, Misty, Grant and Reese. And wow, what a year it has been. I can hardly believe how quickly it went. I can remember…

…That first week was like a whirlwind. We moved in on July 1st of 2006 with the aid of the Body of Christ. First and foremost I have to say “thank you” to Carmen, Misty’s mom, who found us such an amazing house. What a provision!! It was precisely what we had been praying for and I truly am grateful to her for finding it for us. So, we had York church helpers, family members and friends step up in a labor of love to help us pack up our belongings and leave all we knew as ours. I’m sure it was difficult for some to see us go but that did not diminish the effort. And here in MD we had folks show up at our new house that we hardly knew along with some great friends to unpack us into our new home. Thank you to the Body here for pouring out into us on the very first day. The next day, weary from the move, we went to our first church service living in Baltimore. It was awesome but did not come without surprises. I (Andrew) had led the song services in the York church for some time and thought that this would be little time off from such duties. Well it didn’t take but a short time on campus that I was asked to consider leading the new 8:30 song services and was also asked to sing in a group. I thought “ok God, I just wanted to relax” but He evidently had different plans.

Earlier I mentioned that is was the call of God that moved us. Let me expand on that for a moment. I’d say the prime motivation for moving was school. That’s right…school! Here at Greater Grace World Outreach (GGWO) there is a facility for “Higher” education. Maryland Bible College and Seminary (MBC&S) is where I am currently enrolled as a Biblical Studies major. Coming into it I didn’t really have a goal outside of a deeper study life and seeking of God to define what He had in mind for me and us as a family. Well, it seems as though He is beginning to show us our lives beyond Maryland. Meaning all indications are that we will be going on the mission field. When and where is unknown but this looks to be the course God has planned for us. One thing is for sure that it probably won’t happen until after my studies are complete here but that is my plan. God’s plan might be different of course. Time will tell. So, the classes I have had thus far have been incredible and I’m looking forward to the fall semester. God has enabled me to do pretty well in my studies and I can only rely on Him to continue to be faithful in this area. Aside from schooling there are many things God has had or still has me involved in. Easter Play, Basketball coaching, Convention ’07 and many more that have been mentioned in prior Blog postings so I won’t mention them all again. On the logistical side…I’m still employed and the car is running…that’s all I’ll mention about that. Please pray for finances.

Misty is amazing as always. God was really looking out for me when He gave her to me. She has been such a rock to me and for our family. But by no means does that imply that she was at home simply holding down the fort. She has become very involved with the women’s ministry here at GGWO attending the meetings on Tuesdays. She helps plan some of the events, decorate etc. She was very involved in the planning of the Puerto Rico booth at this year’s convention. She has also made it a conviction to attend the lunch raps on Tuesdays as well. Her next huge endeavor will be home schooling Grant. I’m not exactly sure when this will begin but she is preparing by getting curriculum, materials etc. She will be great but prayer will be appreciated toward this area for sure. All this along with throwing events at our home, raising two boys (3 including me) and managing our household. She truly is amazing.

Grant has totally adjusted to living here without skipping a beat. He is now in his “4 years old class” at church and has developed some good little friendships. He even attempted to sit in church for one service and made it about ¼ of the way through. Not bad for his first time. He recently finished his T-ball season. He really enjoyed it and is already talking about playing another sport. He likes almost all of them but has really developed an interest in Lacrosse recently since our sweet neighbor girl graciously gave him his first stick. He actually does pretty well and lacrosse is pretty big around here so we’ll see what comes of that. He had another big event in his life as he conquered his fear of the big pool. He had been rather terrified of the “big” pool but recently he ventured in with me and now he totally loves it. We went to the beach on July 4th and he couldn’t get enough of the water. To the point where he was turning a shade of purple as it was a little chilly but that didn’t stop him. He’s really getting big and we love him bunches.

Reese…well…let’s just say he is our comic relief. We find ourselves cracking up at him on a daily basis. He is rather feisty and has been affectionately coined our “juggernaut”. Just recently he has surprised us by repeating Grant on a few occasions with words like “dude”, “sweet” and a day would not be complete without a “whoa” or “wow”. We can only imagine at times what is going on inside his head. He has mastered the art of capturing Misty’s attention with repeated swats to her backside and has no problem grunting his way through a day. We imagine he’ll break out in sentence here soon for better or maybe worse. He is our climber, escape artist and just a ball of energy. He is growing like a weed and his features are beginning to change from baby to little boy. We love him, bunches as well.

So, looking ahead the question can be asked what is out there for us moving forward!? God only knows but one thing can be certain, He will be faithful. He has proven Himself to be so to this point. He goes as far as to promise in Philippians 1:6 that “He who has begun a good work…will be faithful to complete it…”. God said it, I (we) believe it and that settles it!! Misty and I have begun reading up on some of the forefathers of our faith like Charles Finney, D.L. Moody and others. What patriarchs of our faith. Many lessons can be learned from their lives and if He would use us in any measure like he used those men and women it would be a great honor for this Turner family. We’ve only just begun but realize that He is laying the foundation now for what He has known of us before time began. So to wrap this up we express our heartfelt thanks to those who have labored in prayer on our behalf. It has been effectual and real in our lives. We thank God for friends that seek Him for us. I think of the song that says that “someone is praying you through”. Thank you for joining us on this ride in whatever capacity God has granted you and we look forward to bigger and better things to come. We leave you with some recent photos of the boys. Take care…

Today Andrew sent me the draft of this update and while reading it the tears just streamed down my face. It is sooo good to reflect on God's faithfulness! This past year has been the best year of my life. I can't even begin to describe the deep work that God has done in my heart. I am in awe of Him and just so broken by His deep love for us. Thank you to all that love us and encourage us in the Lord! To family & friends in Pennsylvania... we miss you so much(and love you immensely)... however more than a year ago we heard the voice of our Savior and we must follow Him (John 10:27).

From all of us to all of you,
Andrew, Misty, Grant and Reese

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Good morning / afternoon / evening or any other time you might be viewing this. I have done my best to wait until after the upcoming International Convention to update the Blog but I found I could not wait to say hello.

The Land
We, the family, were able to take a nice holiday up to our family's land in PA over Memorial Day weekend. What a refreshing time it was for all of us. To ride on 4-wheelers,
fish in the pond and stream, "spot" for deer, take a dip in the creek, build a dam
and simply marvel at God's handiwork
was a welcome reprieve from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is good to take time to simply "be still and know that He is God" (Psa 46:10). We, especially Reese, really had a fantastic time with my parents

and all of us look forward to our next trip up there!

Since our last post we were also able to visit the York, PA Greater Grace church (see the link on the side of this page) which was celebrating God's Faithfulness for 10, that's right ten, years in York County Pennsylvania. There were many visitors...Pst. Renaldo (Zambia, Africa), Pst. Sam (Uganda, Africa), Pst. Schibelli, Pst Hadley, Pst. Avignone (Porto, Portugal) and more. The entire Carlisle, PA church showed up. Awesome! We heard amazing portions. One on the "Throne of God" and one titled "I alone, He alone and We Together". Both put into beautiful perspective God's faithfulness to us and to the local assembly. It was an honor to partake of God's word. There was also a great feast put on. What a wonderful spread...thanks Ms. Sue and all those that played a part in putting the meal time together. Talk about feeding the multitudes...LOL!! Pst. Duke, Debbie, Seth and Ryan...we love you. Thank you for your laid down lives and your commitment to the Call!

Convention Foreshadow
As mentioned earlier, the next event that we as a couple and as a ministry are looking towards is the Convention ( This is when the ministry gathers, as many as possible, local and international missionaries and body members to fellowship and fuel the vision for the ministry world wide. People have already started gathering here and we have a great expectation of God for the week. There are morning, afternoon and evening sessions. There are also Missions oriented booths. Some with food and others with pictures, clothing, updates etc. It is a special time for all. We'd love for you to join us if you can. Your prayers, of course, are welcomed as many details need to fall in place to pull off an event like this. Our next posting will be Convention intensive for sure. Be looking for that. Well, it has come time to sign off. Please know that we are well and are looking forward to a great summer here in MD. Oh yea...July 1st will be a full year for us. How time flies. Until next time...
Andrew, Misty and boys